cubed and shot metal alloys

Shot and Cubed Alloys: Advantages of Using Different Shaped Metals

Due to advanced manufacturing processes, companies today can use a range of base metals and alloys to create the right products and components to their industries. When obtaining the metals that will be used in casting, extruding and forming processes, manufacturers can request the alloys and base metals in various sizes and shapes.

Ingots, cubes, shots, sheets, bars, billets and other shapes may be used. In many ways, manufacturers can obtain advantages when ordering metals that are in specific shapes, such as smaller cube and shot metals, versus ordering standard ingot shapes.

Better Fit in Smaller Foundry Pots

For small manufacturers and workers in the art casting industry, customers will be using smaller foundry pots to perform their melts. Larger ingots will not fit properly into these pots. Getting alloys in smaller cubes and shot allows for the manufacturer to add the metals that will fit into the pot. They don’t have to invest in larger foundry pots that are not required for their operations or applications.

Material Volume Control

Metal alloys come in certain weights. Ingots will tend to be 20+ lbs and in a specific size. However, if you need an amount that is lower or higher than 20lbs, you end up with more or less than what is needed. With smaller shot and cubed alloys, you have better control over the amount of materials that are added into the melt. A customer can place in the exact metal alloy weight needed for the specific process, resulting in less waste and more accurate amount measurements.

Fewer Alterations

Metals will have certain innate and added properties that should be maintained when placed into the melt. Unfortunately, certain foundry processes can impact these characteristics. So you may have a metal that has ductility. Yet with additional foundry processing to form the metal into bars, ingots or sheets, the metal may lose some ductility or become more brittle. Obtaining the material in shot or cube form allows for fewer processes to be used that could impact the quality of the metal.

Less Waste

In traditional ingot casting processes, some of the made ingots have to be scrapped. The reason for this may be due to stress during the production that would cause deformations and cracks. Newer advancements in technology, such as continuous casting, allows the creation of smaller shot, cubes and other shapes without deformations and cracks. Customers can receive a superior product with less waste occurring, which helps control production costs.

Faster Production Process

Many manufacturers have time-to-market deadlines for their products. They need to receive the metal materials at specific times for production processes. Ordering smaller cubes and shot allows for metal manufacturing companies to create products faster and send them out sooner. The alloy will be created based on the customer’s chosen formula and specifications.

Better Melt Capabilities

Product manufacturers need to have cast metal that will fully dissolve to the desired consistency based on the mold production process. Smaller cubes and shot allow for a more even and full melt based on the provided temperatures. Manufacturers are ensured that alloys and additives will fully be incorporated to provide the desired benefits to the melt.

Belmont Metals Offering Cube and Shot Products

We have 30 different shapes to in our non-ferrous product lineup, including 1/2 cubes that are available for most of the products that we offer to manufacturers, jewelers and other industries. In addition, we also offer over 3,000 different formulas. Our company can custom design the alloy based on the end application so you get the desired outcomes. For more information, contact us today.