Year: 2017

Chemical reactions

ACS Reagent-grade Tin and Zinc for use in chemical analysis and compound creation Tin and Zinc are essential components of many alloys, but uses for these two elements extend beyond solders, die castings, galvanizing, and plating. Reagent grades of Zinc and Tin can be used in chemical analysis or other reactions. In organic chemistry, reagents…

Water safety

Lead-free and low-lead alloys keep up with plumbing industry regulations Copper faucets, sinks and appliances have a lustrous color that helps create a warm atmosphere, making a house feel like a home. Copper and its alloys also are functional and durable. They resist corrosion and require little maintenance, which makes red metals an ideal choice…

Playing up Beryllium Copper’s strengths

Ensure you get the most out of this red-metal alloy by understanding its unique properties With each new generation of electronics, laptops get slimmer and more powerful and cell phones have even greater capacities for the amount of apps, music, and streaming sports and television that consumers want to carry around with them. All these…

Custom creations

Aluminum master alloys help metallurgists fine-tune alloys to create materials that are stronger, lighter, and more easily processed Aluminum is the most abundant metallic element in the Earth’s crust—it’s even more common than Iron. In its pure form, though, it’s soft and malleable. It needs to be alloyed with other elements, including Iron, Zinc, Silicon,…